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The LEGO Business History

The PROFANO company was established in 1932 by Danish resident Ole Kirk Christiansen, with the reason for promoting inventive play and ingenuity in children. Initially, the company’s goods were made right from wooden prevents, but by the sixties, production possessed expanded and this company produced gadgets made of cheap. Although the parts and designs modified over the years, they remained interchangeable and could become combined to create new models.

In the 1971s, LEGO started to expand their very own business international. In Indonesia, the company proven a product sales company and began reselling toys in Italy and Switzerland. In the 1980s, the company extended into the U. S. and established a manufacturing facility in Connecticut. The business also created a new department, Dacta, to focus on educational goods. The Dacta line, for instance , features mathematics and reasoning challenges and includes educational toys designed for schools.

Following World War II, Christiansen purchased the first plastic material injection molding machine in Denmark and began tinkering with the process. This individual eventually designed the iconic PROFANO foundations. These prevents are easily famous by their sale paper studs at the top. These studs allow linking blocks being locked mutually. By simply 1951, half of LEGO’s production was made of plastic. The company also improved upon its creation technology to generate plastic bricks that would stay longer.

Today, the PROFANO Company includes expanded other than its building toy lines into a wide range of additional products. They have branched out into robotics, media, and educational products designed for preschools and kindergartens. Additionally, it operates two theme leisure areas in Denmark. The earliest opened in Bil-lund, Denmark, in late 1960s, and a second can be scheduled to spread out in Carlsbad, California in 1999.



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